SERIES INFO Genre: Family Game Show Reality Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: In the first Christmas lights competition of its kind for television, 4 families will compete each week to transform their homes for the holidays in just 21 days. These 20 families were chosen through an extensive nationwide search based on their previous elaborate Christmas light displays, incredible choreography and over-the-top designs.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 6 Airdate: 2020-12-23 Episode plot: The Farmer family uses blow molds and inflatables, featuring a roof with more decorations than most family's entire display in Alexandria, Virginia- the Pennington family show a high-tech and jaw-dropping display in Corriganville, Maryland- the Padilla family has an interactive display reminiscent of a mini-Disneyland in Burbank, California- and the Register family uses exhaust pipes and other recycled goodies for a full throttle masterpiece in Surf City, North Carolina. Carter Oosterhouse picks the final winner of the season.