SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Documentary Suspense Stars: - Series Plot: Things are not always as they seem in Investigation Discovery’s Betrayed, which revisits heart-pounding cases of deception that ended in murder at the hands of a trusted family member, co-worker, lover, or friend. Told through the lens of the fictionalized, first-person perspectives of the victims, Betrayed treats the viewer like the only confidant they have left. As investigators, family, and friends peel back the layers and facts of each case, the otherworldly narrator already knows where the breadcrumb trail ends. They guide viewers through the various relationships that comprise their life, raising suspicions about who will commit the ultimate betrayal and bring about their doom.
EPISODE INFO Title: Murder in the Mortuary Airdate: 2020-06-15 Episode plot: Julie Bowling stares down death every day as a cancer therapist and part-time funeral home worker. When she's killed while her husband is out of town, the focus turns to his secret life and shaky finances.