SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Reality Stars: Josh Harris II (Cornelia Marie, Deckhand) Series Plot: Deadliest Catch: Bloodline follows Josh Harris, the son of legendary Bering Sea captain Phil Harris. Josh, along with his business partner Casey McManus, discover a trove of Hawaiian fishing charts scribbled with Captain Phil’s handwriting. Josh takes the opportunity to travel to the islands and learn about the time his father spent their decades earlier.
To gain a deeper understanding of fishing in Hawaii, the duo enlists the help of Jeff Silva, one of the island’s top commercial fishermen to help them learn the challenging fishery, interpret Phil’s charts, and hunt for the islands’ lucrative bounty of ahi tuna.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Harris Legacy Airdate: 2020-04-14 Episode plot: The discovery of mysterious fishing charts on the Cornelia Maria leads co-captains Josh Harris and Casey McManus to Hawaii to learn what Josh's late father, Captain Phil Harris, was attempting to accomplish decades ago.