User details for crystal

Username crystal
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Joined 2022-08-31 04:52:51
Last Visit 2024-12-22 06:33:37
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    8
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Reputation points -2

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hello :-) l thank you kindly for doing this for all of us much appreciated
2023-09-29 13:46:13
thank you for doing this is there any other way that you could get the rest of the series for us would be deeply appreciated
2023-09-26 01:53:25
thank you very much for doing theses books much appreciated excellent books to listen to again thank you :-)
2023-05-13 08:14:42
thank you very much for doing these books much appreciated excellent books to listen to again thank you
2023-05-13 08:12:40
ever so grateful for doing season 3 thanking you kindly cheers
2022-09-23 07:12:20
thanking you kindly :-)
2022-09-22 15:05:57
hello :-) can someone please seed this tv series POLDARK I have been downloading this for a week and only got 71%of it would deeply appreciate it thank you for your good work and kindness towards us all for even putting it on this site so we can watc...
2022-09-22 02:34:16
hello can you please do season 3 of this tv series Poldark all the others of yours are there except season 3 would deeply appreciate it if you could it's on the IMDb site tt36366060/ thanks kindly for your good work and kindness c...
2022-09-21 04:17:03

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COMMENT: hello is there seasons 1 to 5 in this series could you please download the others season thanks kindly cheers
2022-09-27 12:22:36
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COMMENT: hello can you please do the other seasons of this tv series 1 through to 5 so we can follow it from the beginning I just checked it on the IMDb site it would be deeply appreciated if you could do this thanking you kindly cheers
2022-09-21 00:44:52
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2022-08-31 06:05:19

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