User details for brucecass64

Username brucecass64
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Joined 2023-08-15 12:54:03
Last Visit 2025-02-12 20:59:53
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    12
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Parents be careful of the LGBTQ+ content and heavy action. Some nations have labelled it 18+ content, not the TV-7Y that Netflix assigned.
2024-12-19 19:18:54
Currently, they aren't even close to being as funny as the original cast. They roasted everyone, not just half the population. I look forward to seeing what the original cast went through as it truly was original and today's comedy shows an...
2024-11-12 19:31:36
I agree! Peace through strength and prosperity through energy independence!
2024-11-01 19:20:17
I thought critical thinking and real data on results would win over lies by the left? I thought people would rather keep the 1st amendment....keeping peace in the world and not enriching the military industrial complex I would have thought some could...
2024-11-01 19:18:38
Sorry you were triggered! If you end up watching and laughing at the hypocrisy of the race industry, you'd like it. After watching it at a theater, blacks and whites alike were there, and we had a great conversation with someone "not like m...
2024-10-28 19:08:00
Why push this agenda so hard? Why the non-normal being portrayed as normal when most do not want to live in this world?
2024-08-09 19:10:09
Does anyone watch this?
2024-06-08 01:11:43
The last 0.8% of this version will not download, so not sure what won't play. but have left it on for 4 days now and none of the seeds or peers have this last 0.8%!
2024-06-01 20:06:48
Good to hear from a Democrat that is a true patriot. His passion for stopping the endless wars was taken out by the Military Industrial Complex as soon as possible....they screwed up when they targeted his family. Free speech means we can still hear ...
2024-05-23 20:25:31
Not brainwashed, but not happy with endless wars to enrich the suppliers of death. Hope you enjoy Socialism and crappy food!
2024-05-23 20:23:20
strange comments. Jim at least stands for something decent and supports stopping child trafficking...what's bad about that? Great actor!
2024-02-28 03:36:18
I could see it being Canadians with the PM behind it, finally embracing his Father's (Fidel Castro) ideology!
2024-02-15 18:15:23

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COMMENT: Any chance to get a 1080p version? That would be awesome for S08E04 and S08E05! Thanks!
2023-11-30 18:22:24
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2023-08-15 12:54:45

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