Bruce Willis with 3 times a one hit wonder ?? and Dire Straits with Sultans of Swing a one hit wonder LOL What idiot put together this list, it doesn't make sense at all
I really would have this series, after dowmloading the qaulty was terrible !!! if it was recorderd with a VHS and some has made an enfort to enhance the picture quality ... so sad that this quality.
I'm really addicted to SF movies / series, but this is (in my opinion) a really crappy Z movie. I kept watching for 15 minutes and then removed the movie !! Really not worth burning and keeping. And I really can't understand why people give a 5 st...
I hope someone can help me with this movie I'm searching this one for a long time and I really want to have it A Kid in King Arthur's Court (the movie is from 1995 This is the IMDB li...