User details for Mister420

Username Mister420
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Joined 2019-02-11 02:17:00
Last Visit 2019-03-10 16:40:16
Torrents uploaded 0
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Forum Posts 7
Total reviews 1
Reputation points 5

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2019-02-11 22:48:10
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[quote=FrostyBolloX] [user=Mister420] Hi and welcome back :) Could a Smart TV be able to do that? Do you have a Smart Tv? (Thinking since you are connected to internet and can browse and all with a...
2019-02-20 21:55:57
Not hooked directly to the tv. can do that and have in the past..... More what I want is to have it on a external drive and hook that to a tv/blu-ray and see the .ico file or whatever the file would...
2019-02-20 01:14:49
Get what you mean and if I send it or cast it , correct everything shows. More what I want is to have it on a external drive and hook that to a tv/blu-ray and see the .ico file or whatever the fil...
2019-02-20 01:13:34
To me it seems that the problem can be the communication between your Tv and Drive.. I mean, your tv not being able to read/recognize the file extention of the folder you have choosen, but it works...
2019-02-20 01:09:26
Ok So first thx for the help already given. Totally understand how to change a folder and have been doing so with major enthusiasm. Sort of understanding the .ini part in making that folder sty...
2019-02-18 20:45:08
No problem. Would you be so kind as direct me towards the correct thread. My bad for assuming it would be in graphics since it concerns graphics as well.
2019-02-11 14:33:11
Hi new to all of this downloading movies and shows. Now I want to learn about graphics. I figured out how to change a folder to a .ico and how to change the folder on my laptop. Question.......
2019-02-11 02:44:49

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2019-02-11 02:20:38

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