User details for LockDownPablo

Username LockDownPablo
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Joined 2021-11-16 06:09:41
Last Visit 2024-10-05 10:52:45
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Comments Posted    18
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2022-10-08 08:19:00
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Way more entertaining than Trap. Watch'em both tonight, at least Fallout had some excitement an a bit of humor. Trap was a waste of time. IMHO.
2024-08-30 14:39:19
Yeah, once you see that, there's no unseeing it. Weird animation choice. I guess it's depicting a shadow, but it's deep black and doesn't seem to align with a consistent light source across all characters.
2023-12-15 09:49:29
I watched this series when it first came out. If you like the genre, it should definitely satisfy. I liked it.
2023-05-30 09:27:50
Your loss man, it's genuinely funny. And well acted.
2023-05-05 04:41:55
Oh sure, if Christian Bale does it for a role it's because he's an amazing and dedicated artist. But if woman who you had the hots for does it, she must be broken. By all accounts, she plays a woman who has hit rock bottom. Seems she embra...
2022-12-21 07:26:50
Same here, the first one was a surprisingly good, but this second one tried to outdo the first and was just way too over the top for me. Watched it and was disappointed.
2022-11-01 02:31:41
Yeah, this version has terrible dub audio, it made it unwatchable for me.
2022-10-14 12:12:10
Weird fact for this event, Mark Zuckerberg rented out the entire arena. Apparently he's into MMA lately and wanted to watch. Management wasn't allowed to mention this fact, but one fighter said it, and speculated that perhaps he rented it...
2022-10-02 11:00:01
Okay, consensus is that this is not a great movie. But I've been a fan of Claudia Black since Farscape, so I'm gonna have to give it a shot.
2022-09-14 05:17:59
Well, if we got rid of shows/movies that glorify criminals (like The Godfather), war (like Saving Private Ryan), alcohol abuse (like every series ever), violence (like The QUick and the Dead), the only good movie would be Mister Roger's Neighbor...
2022-09-02 14:23:39
I agree. It was odd. Very odd, but better than expected. The main actor (unknown to me) did a surprisingly good job of creating a convincing character.
2022-08-19 14:17:31
Just finished this movie and I have to admit, I enjoyed it more than anything I've seen lately. Yeah, there are a few plot turns the defy reality, but don't most action movies fall into that? It was well acted, somewhat feasible for the m...
2022-08-05 11:59:27
Um, okay, we have different tastes. I freaking loved that series. Loved Dan Stevens, Aubrey Plaza, Jean Smart, and Clement was just so dang cool. Hey, I like the way it presented such an f'ed up reality. I like what I like. Makes me happy. ...
2022-07-22 13:47:57
She had a starring role in Legion, one of the best series in recent memory.
2022-07-22 08:09:29
Um, no, this movie does not suck. And, this is a MOVIE, not an invitation to start dating. The movie itself is good and entertaining. The personal life of all the people that created it? I hardly give a damn. If you weren't caught up in the ...
2022-07-05 12:57:45
" ... keep your critical thinking capacity activated". Um, yeah, my capacity for critical thinking doesn't have an off switch. If your's does, you might want to get that checked out. BTW, this is a pretty common theme for a movi...
2022-06-01 01:28:39
I stopped worrying about cooties in grammar school. I mean, if you watch a movie about the last days of Hitler, that doesn't make you a Nazi. You can download this movie, watch it, and you may like it or not. No need for homophobia, unless wel...
2022-04-07 07:03:06
Kindo of agree, but then there's the actual classic "Psycho", a pretty funny movie called "Friday", the highly rated "Nightmare Before Christmas", etc. So you might miss out on some good ones.
2022-04-04 05:55:44

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Why tell everyone what you DON'T like? Isn't that just Identity Politics? A useful comment would offer insight into the show, not into your personal beliefs and imagined trauma. But hey, wave your flag if it helps you in some way.
2022-10-08 08:18:26
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As of now, 94% of Google reviewers like it, but it has a black man and a gay couple so you should definitely avoid it. And a Mexican woman working in a Mexican hotel, WTF? You sound like you're living in the 50's and upset that the kids are wearing their hair long now.
2022-07-29 04:27:27
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2021-11-16 06:10:59

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