It's utter melancholy how the DC Universe we all knew and grew up with is now gone. Miller played a good flash, I think the best. But I, like many, fear his time on this planet won't be long if he doesn't snap out of the current state...
Oh, wow. I think if you're a conspiracy theorist and believe this pandemic is a hoax or conspiracy, you'd like this movie. Hart has become one messed up dude. Harrelson would do anything for money, Otherwise, don't waste your time.
Maybe, but he's a covidiot and liar to boot. Production was shutdown because he refused to get vaccinated and he got covid. He also lied about being vaccinated when he was in Taylor Swift's video. Maybe he and Will Smith will star in a movi...
No debate per se. The firs one was based on the book written entirely by Mario Puzo and edited by Coppola. The second one was not based on the book, rather the characters were. Watch The Offer if you haven't already
I couldn't watch Season 1 of Picard. After about 3 episodes, I called it quits. The second season wasn't without plot "holes" but it certainly was much better than 1. And aft...
[quote=tg4ever] In the latest tech preview also a credit card is now required. No more offline install of course either. And then one day when they dont like you anymore, they just turn all your servi...
2022-05-11 07:29:37
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