User details for FUNKSW

Username FUNKSW:_male:
User Class User
Joined 2019-04-28 17:25:46
Last Visit 2024-05-03 04:57:31
Torrents uploaded 0
Comments Posted    44
Forum Posts 45
Total reviews 5
Reputation points 25

For the funny post Nacatamal breakfast :) have a great week ahead :)
2022-06-13 20:01:07
good to see you poking around! :-)
2020-03-25 02:20:36
Thanks for popping into the Smoker's Room for a puff-n-a-post. Your welcome anytime.
2020-01-30 06:31:52
For a great good morning.Glad to have you with us.
2020-01-04 13:07:38
Get Well Soon! :-)
2019-12-26 16:39:05
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Jajaja mark is a killer. I need to download this :_:D
2024-01-31 22:26:09
Not a fan of drugs mafioso sitcom. As a latino I have to witness every day how this so-called entrepreneurs use their not so honorable ways to make money while others like me go to college and have to deal with every day stupidity from "the man&...
2024-01-31 22:21:06
Hello, thank you very much for this release, and may I say the only release around here, just wonderful.
2023-12-14 00:49:31
Believe me, I am a Latino, however, I feel very offended by people like George here and all the thousands of Mexicans who moved up to the States and dared to mock Americans as if they were not living in America. By the way @guest-2662 "Gringo&qu...
2023-12-07 14:41:34
Thank You, great Harrison Ford movies you have worked.
2023-11-21 15:07:30
I knew I will find this movie released by you, thanks
2023-11-17 15:16:58
I was watching The Sopranos, and I saw this film. It really moved Tony and oh surprise, one of my favorite encoders made a release so, thanks, people.
2023-10-24 01:29:00
TY ppl for all the releases.
2023-06-28 19:13:46
Why is it titled songs to test headphones, what does that mean?
2023-06-22 02:43:49
Thanks for the upload. I´m only interested in watching a real funny side from Aubrey Plaza who I love for her craziness not so much for her comedy scene.
2021-07-11 13:38:26
Thank you guys. I have this movie on a 13.1 GB version and of course 5.32 GB is a massive improvement if you take into consideration you will get about the same or even better quality ratio for everything, that is audio and video. Very much appreciat...
2020-08-29 00:28:46
I can not believe that you guys posted this. I have lost faith but you guys always go the extra mile with vintage material, well, not that old but really difficult to find. THANKS! :love
2020-04-22 03:41:27
I´m simple man. I see boobs, I need to download. Thanks.
2020-03-28 16:00:45
Hello PMEDIA. I would like to say that I always download your version, since I find it with great sound quality. On another topic, yesterday I downloaded the album of Best Rappers or something like that, also from you and I found a song from D4...
2020-01-04 13:10:25
Guys, I would like to report that at moments, the movie lags, actually, like every 2 seconds. I don't know if this has something to do with my equipment, but I mean, this is in the end a 1080p file. My player should be able to comply. Any comments...
2019-12-14 02:01:41
TY guys, Vampire Hunter D, anime like it will never be again.
2019-11-09 02:15:22
TY guys, just the other day I saw a video about this. And pow!, u guys posted this. Very much appreciated.
2019-10-26 01:53:04
Thank you,Thank you, Thank you guys, are you posting the complete 복수 삼부작??? That would be nice B)
2019-10-12 19:57:33
I hope he is funny. Thank you guys for sharing.
2019-10-06 12:23:56
Oh thank you, thank you guys. U r the best no doubt. JeeJa Yanin :love
2019-10-03 06:34:08
So, I just found out there's a 3rd season. Thanks to you again. And I say: Again, bc the 1st season happens to be that I decided to watch it bc u guys posted it somewhere else. And boom!, the saga continues B)
2019-09-21 18:45:37
Hello mister. I would like to report that so far is working ok. It is like you said pre-activated. I thank you for that and now I will be visiting your website, possibly even subscribe to your news letter in case that you offer that and see what else...
2019-09-09 15:54:52
Thank u guys I´m here bc I love Reese Witherspoon :love
2019-09-06 04:01:47
Thank you guys. I hope one day you release Raging Phoenix (2009) with JeeJa Yanin :love
2019-09-06 03:51:43

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Good morning beautiful ppl of the internet, I should be doing laundry but I'm stuck selecting nopor to watch :_:D
2022-07-09 11:27:40
[quote=xJOHNNYx] in the first pic...that is your settings tab. If you click on your name and open up your profile, it does not show the 'settings' tab, so, top right corner of page, click y...
2022-07-04 13:55:48
[quote=Angelina] [color=blue][size=4][b]Adding an avatar to your profile[/b][/color][/size] [b]Step 2:[/b] On your profile page click on "Settings". [img width=600]
2022-07-04 13:46:57
8 years later and not a single soul has noticed the correlation between the show and these macabre lyrics in which the handsome family describes clearly a raping and assassination of a possible young ...
2022-07-04 13:19:28
2022-06-30 10:09:09
Good morning beautiful people from the internet.
2022-06-26 11:50:57
Have a pleasant night beautiful people from the internet :_:P
2022-06-17 02:31:19
Good morning beautiful people from the internet. I wanted to share with you, a little about my country: Nicaragua. This is what, the few of us who still have the money to buy it, like to have for b...
2022-06-12 14:27:50
Goodnight beautiful people from the internet. I hope we can all make millions one day.
2022-06-10 01:46:39
Good night people. I feel blessed because apparently and by accident, someone made a big money transaction to my bank account and I feel sorry for that person but I needed that money, actually, five t...
2022-05-30 02:32:34
2022-03-30 00:54:38
2021-03-28 02:17:56
Good night beautiful people :love
2020-10-12 04:46:16
Good night to all of you gente bonita :love
2020-09-24 04:41:16
Hello there beautiful people and the ones who look like me. I just came to say I love you. It is a bless we still alive and have a pleasant rest of the night :love
2020-05-26 02:34:58
I'M STILL ALIVE!. So I love you all, good night beautiful people and weirdos like me :P
2020-04-22 03:42:57
Good morning beautiful people. Have a wondeful day! :love
2020-04-09 12:59:30
2020-03-30 02:36:05
Good night guys. It's a good thing to be alive! :love
2020-03-30 02:34:06
Good morning y'all. I hope you are doing great. This is my first Sunday morning in ages so I will eat Hot-Dogs custom made of course!.
2020-03-29 18:30:07
2020-03-29 18:28:34
2020-03-28 19:46:05
[quote=KATZ] [b]So happy that you are happy, however, we are not bias against anyone here![/b] :facepalm [b]Have a Nice Day! [/b] [/quote] Jajaja, sorry for saying something like that it's just, t...
2020-03-28 19:33:56
Good morning guys!. I'm so happy because my boss grant me with 2 more extra days off as Vacation of course, so that I can patiently wait until monday when they finally move me to WorkAtHome!. So I hop...
2020-03-28 15:58:07
Good morning beautiful people. I'm very excited because I'm still alive and pushing a Monday with lots of treats, for starters is my first day-off in months, and oh coincidence!. I request this a mont...
2020-03-23 15:43:19
Guys, at least you don't live in my homeland: Nicaragua. With a sick f*** for a President who is trying to make money even with the present circumstances and I have diabetes type II so I guess this sh...
2020-03-19 00:41:15
Good night guys. Hope you have pleasant dreams.
2020-03-19 00:36:27
Good night guys. Tired but still strong to come and send a spiritual hug to you all :love
2020-03-04 04:19:36
Good night guys. Terribly exhausted from work but that's alright, It's all about the Benjamin's, well, more like the Washington's but u get the gist :P
2020-02-26 03:50:34
2020-01-29 05:32:58

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2022-05-29 12:28:09
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2019-04-28 17:26:20

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