You Can Share Your Jokes Here,Come On In V3

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-14 21:13:36(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I made my wife's dreams come true by getting married in a castle.
But you sure wouldn't have known it from the look on her face as we were bouncing around:_:D[justify][/justify]

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GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-14 21:13:53(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I sold my old hoover today!
Well it was only collecting dust!!!:_:D

Post liked by - jaxe:_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_kitty::_sun::_turtle:
GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-14 21:15:27(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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My nan found a lump in both her breasts,
Turns out it was just her knees!!!:_:D:_:D

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GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-14 21:15:48(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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My wife just gave birth today and after thanking the doctor, I pulled him aside and sheepishly asked, "How soon do you think we'll be able to have sex?"
He winked at me and said, "I'm off duty in 10 minutes - meet me in the car park!":_:D:_:D

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jaxe:_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_kitty::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-14 22:47:17(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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Joe waited outside while his friend Henry went into his
house for a minute to tell his wife he was going to play
poker with the boys.
An hour later, Joe stepped up to the screen door and
yelled in, "Hey, Henry! Just how much longer are you
going to be?"
"Not long," Henry hollered back. "It's almost my
turn to talk.

Post liked by - GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:
GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-15 21:26:42(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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My wife said to me that if I bought her one more stupid gift, she would burn it.
So I got her a candle.:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-15 21:26:58(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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A precious little girl walks into a pet shop and asks in the sweetest little lisp, "Excuthe me, mithter, do you keep widdle wabbits?" As the shopkeeper's heart melts, he gets down on his knees, so that he's on her level, and asks, "Do you want a widdle white wabby or a thoft and fuwwy bwack wabby or maybe one like that cute widdle bwown wabby over there?" She, in turn blushes, rocks on her heels, puts her hands on her knees, leans forward and says in a quiet voice, "I don't fink my pet python weally gives a thit.:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-15 21:28:30(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I see someone is selling their dogging gear on EBAY,
There's no bidders, but there's 125 watchers:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-15 21:28:45(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I was talking to a girl in a pub the other night and I said "You remind me of my little toe!" She said "Is that because I’m small and cute?" I replied "No, it's because I’ll probably end up banging you on the coffee table!":_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-15 21:31:08(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I told my mum I'd opened a theatre.
She said, 'Are you having me on?'
I said, 'I'll give you an audition but I'm not promising anything.':_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-15 21:31:37(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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A bloke on a tractor has just driven past me shouting “The end of the world is nigh!"
I think it was Farmer Geddon.:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-16 22:29:02(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I've just poured super glue into a non stick pan,
Someone's going to be wrong:_:D[justify][/justify]

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-16 22:29:21(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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Have you ever wondered what Chinese people do when the sun hits their eyes?:_:D[justify][/justify]

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-16 22:30:10(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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My wife is doing an experiment. She's wearing a Derby county shirt for a week to get peoples reactions. She's been kicked, punched and spat on so far! Fuck knows what's going to happen when she actually leaves the house!:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-16 22:32:24(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I parked in a hospital car park.
Attendant came up and said "This is for badge holders only".
I said "but I have got a bad shoulder!":_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-17 21:44:13(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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As I sat in the living room my five year old shouted at me from the back door.
"I can't hear you if you're shouting from outside." I said.
Again, he shouted back.
"I told you, I can't hear you from there. It's rude to shout. If you want me to hear you, walk into the living room." I replied.
A few moments later my son appeared in the living room.
"Dad, I've got dog shit all over my shoes."🙂:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-17 21:44:30(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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My wife is throwing me out because of my Only Fools and Horses obsession...
I'd better fetch the suitcase from the van!:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-17 21:46:57(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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Some men think that using a moisturiser after you've had a shave is a bit gay.
I don't, I just think it makes my legs lovely and soft!:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-17 21:47:10(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I've just poured super glue into a non stick pan,
Someone's going to be wrong:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-17 21:48:55(96Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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My wife is doing an experiment. She's wearing a Derby county shirt for a week to get peoples reactions. She's been kicked, punched and spat on so far! Fuck knows what's going to happen when she actually leaves the house!:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-18 21:18:57(95Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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What bounces and makes kids cry?
My cheque donation to Children in Need.:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-18 21:19:13(95Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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We were so poor when I was younger I once had a birthday party at the local launderette because it was bright and warm...
The highlight was pass the Persil!:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-18 21:20:53(95Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I asked the council for permission to have a skip outside my house...
They said, "Go ahead fatty you could use the exercise!":_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-18 21:21:09(95Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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I'm sick of Christmas already.
I work my fingers to the bone every year to earn enough money to buy my kids the expensive presents they want and what happens? That fat fucker with the beard gets all the credit....
it's my own fault for marrying her..:_:D:_:D

GodAndUlster:_vip::_trusted_user::_sitefriend::_male::_sitelover::_junkie::_sun::_turtle:Posted at 2022-11-18 21:22:59(95Wks ago) Report Permalink URL 
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A guy is at a urinal in a public restroom when a hunchback walks in and stands next to him. He glances over and sees that the hunchback has a gigantic cock.
The guy says, “Man, if I had a cock that big, I would be sucking it all day.”
The hunchback replies, “How do you think I got to be a hunchback" ???:_:D