SERIES INFO Genre: Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: Beginning in 1974, long before music television filled the airwaves, the PBS series Soundstage sparked the nation. The innovative and prestigious program achieved widespread critical acclaim and featured the artists that defined the era.
Soundstage played host to such luminaries as Bob Dylan, Al Green, Janis Ian, ArethaFranklin, Bonnie Raitt, the Doobie Brothers, Arlo Gutherie, Jose Feliciano, Harry Chapin, Benny Goodman, Dionne Warwick, Itzhak Perlman, the Temptations, Kenny Loggins, among others...
The ground-breaking, hour-long concerts were filmed before small studio audiences, giving home viewers the sensation of experiencing the concert firsthand. As a result of the immense popularity of Soundstage, the show enjoyed tremendous longevity, initially running from 1974 to 1985.
For all those who loved the original series, we are proud to announce that Soundstage has been reborn! The production uses state of the art high-definition video equipment, and is digitally recorded and mixed in Dolby 5.1 surround sound.
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