SERIES INFO Genre: Family Reality Stars: - Series Plot: Tails of Valor, hosted by Kel Mitchell, is a live-action half-hour program that features true stories of service animals working to change people’s lives. The program also examines the life science behind these relationships, including the animals’ unique and powerful senses that enable them to protect their human charges. Tails of Valor will focus on the training and day-to-day jobs of these incredible animals and the quality of life they provide the people they serve, leaving viewers with a greater understanding and compassion for animals. Viewers will learn to see the world from different perspectives, and how those with disabilities experience everyday life and the challenges they face.
EPISODE INFO Title: Donkey Duties Airdate: 2019-01-26 Episode plot: A young boy with autism finds his perfect sidekick in a donkey. Plus, a college student saves the life of a pigeon, so the pigeon returns the favor.
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