SERIES INFO Genre: Crime Documentary Stars: - Series Plot: Netflix is adding another true-crime series to its roster, this time focusing on notorious serial killer Ted Bundy. The streaming service will premiere Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes on Jan. 24. The date is exactly 30 years after Bundy was executed for the 1978 murder of Kimberly Leach.
Conversations with a Killer, from Emmy winner Joe Berlinger (Paradise Lost), will feature previously unheard audio of interviews with Bundy while he was on death row in Florida. The four-episode series will also detail Bundy's killings — he was convicted of or confessed to murdering more than 30 women in the 1970s — and the media frenzy around his trials, including the adoration of a number of women and his in-court marriage to Carole Ann Boone, who was testifying on his behalf.
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