SERIES INFO Genre: Family Reality Stars: Johnny Alves, Henry Laun, Alma Wahlberg, Donnie Wahlberg, Paul Wahlberg, Mark Wahlberg, Arthur Wahlberg, Kari Burke Series Plot: "Wahlburgers" goes behind the scenes of one of Boston's most well-known families, the Wahlbergs. Brothers Mark, Donnie and Paul join forces to embark on a hometown-based business venture, a hamburger restaurant that touts the family name. An homage to their humble beginnings, the restaurant is home base for the gang from the old neighborhood, including Mark's sidekicks, the real Johnny "Drama" and Henry "Nacho" Laun, Paul's trusty assistant Kari Burke and of course, the matriarch of the Wahlberg family, their spirited mother Alma.
EPISODE INFO Title: Wahlbergs Home...Away From Home (Part 2) Airdate: 2019-07-24 Episode plot: Paul visits a military base in Germany with the goal of deciding whether or not it's a good fit for a Wahlburgers location. He's in for a few surprises as he explores the town, meets military families, and even gets to drive a tank. Alma and Phyllis work up a sweat as they take part in a Senior Celtics community event with former Celtics players Dana Barros, and Leon Powe.
Good episode and Print - Thanks for the share TGxTV ... A / V = 8
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