SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Stars: Shavkat Jumanijozov Series Plot: The three-part series is about traditional crafts along the ancient trade route of the Silk Road. Each film follows a day in the working life of a weaver, woodcarver and potter in China, Uzbekistan and Iran.
Beautifully filmed portraits of master craftsmen at work, the series captures in exquisite detail techniques handed down over generations. And from the bickering husband and wife silk weavers in China to the Iranian potter still teasing his son about who makes the best pots, the films are also delightful and warm observational documentaries.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Weaver Airdate: 2016-05-04 Episode plot: The Uyghur community in north west China have been making atlas silk for thousands of years. Mattursun Islam and his family are continuing the tradition, using a combination of handmade techniques and mechanised looms. From designing the patterns to colouring, dyeing and weaving the thread, this film follows each stage in absorbing detail. We also get an engaging glimpse into how their family and working life are closely connected. With rival companies often copying his designs, Mattursan is proud of his reputation. But he and his wife also enjoy a good-natured rivalry over who really runs things.
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