SERIES INFO Genre: Reality Stars: - Series Plot: Enduring extreme hardships is integral to practicing the ancient Japanese art of the ninja. Nine individuals take part in a 24-day survival challenge to find out who has what it takes to consider themselves a true-blue ninja. The challenge includes eight grueling missions -- trekking through a frigid swamp, surviving overnight on an icy glacier, crossing a raging river, escaping imprisonment, and more -- created by Jinichi Kawakami, Japan's last ninja grandmaster, which push the wannabe warriors' body, mind and spirit to their breaking points. Those who complete the entire survival challenge receive a final lesson from the master himself in Iga City, Japan, the legendary home of the ninja.
EPISODE INFO Title: The Darkest Hour Airdate: 2018-09-09 Episode plot: Captured, bound, and blindfolded in the dark, the warriors must escape the Canadian wilderness before sunrise. One survivalist goes rogue.
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