SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Reality Stars: - Series Plot: Nightwatch Nation follows Emergency Medical Technicians in Yonkers, New York- Austin, Texas- Tucson, Arizona and Baton Rouge, Louisiana as these heroes risk their lives to work the busiest and most unnerving shift of the day, the overnight shift. These EMTs tackle many medical emergencies on every level, bringing viewers along for a ride while also showing the high intensity environment of the call centers. Cameras catch these EMTs in action as they go about their day to day business treating citizens of each city. Racing from city to city, Nightwatch Nation follows multiple teams of brave men and women who will stop at nothing to keep America safe while we sleep.
EPISODE INFO Title: Not Today Airdate: 2018-08-23 Episode plot: In Baton Rouge, Lacey and Stacey restrain a patient suffering from violent hallucinations after overdosing on the synthetic drug Mojo. Meanwhile, Matt and Henry face the most difficult challenge paramedics encounter when an Austin man calls 911 to save his wife from cardiac arrest. And in Yonkers, New York, Alex and Jamal must determine what drug caused a woman to go unresponsive before her heart stops beating.
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