SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Talk Show Stars: Kevin Hart Series Plot: Kevin Hart takes time out of his busy schedule to introduce the world to some of his favorite up-and-coming comedians, including James Davis, Mario Tory and William "Spank" Horton. Now’s their chance to make it big and break on through to the Next Level.
EPISODE INFO Title: Ron G. Airdate: 2018-08-31 Episode plot: Ron G. is an actor, comedian and producer who currently stars in the lead role, 'Lewis,' on the Nickelodeon television series Cousins for Life. Ron also served as a consulting producer on the Emmy® Award-winning CNN series United Shades of America. Originally from Columbia, SC, Ron relocated to Atlanta, Georgia to begin his stand-up comedy career. In addition to winning APCA College Comic of the Year, Ron was a finalist on NBC's Last Comic Standing. Ron has also recurred on HBO's hit television series INSECURE and has guest starred on numerous television shows, including STUCK IN THE MIDDLE (Disney Channel) and Shut Eye (Hulu). Ron most recently appeared in the Lionsgate feature film #Twominutesoffame, starring Jay Pharoah and Katt Williams.
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