Highway Patrol is an Australian factual television series screened on the Seven Network that premiered on 21 September 2009. Highway Patrol follows members of the Victoria Police Highway Patrol (formerly Traffic Management Unit) who face dangerous and unusual cases every time they hit the road. The police deal with high-speed car chases, car crashes, out-of-control drunk drivers and defiant hooligans.
SERIES INFO Genre: Documentary Special Interest Stars: - Series Plot: Take a seat and buckle-up- we’re in for a wild ride with Highway Patrol.
Highway Patrol takes a rare fly-on-the-wall glimpse into the working lives of the Australian police officers who spend their days striving to keep our roads safe.
From high-speed chases to violent conflicts and catching speeding drivers to investigating crash scenes, officers of the Victoria Police Traffic Units spend each day on the front line.
As part of their job, the officers featured in Highway Patrol deal with drunken hooligans, defiant law breakers and simply lazy motorists, and they all pose an equal danger to themselves and others.
These officers are passionate about their work, proud of what they do on a daily basis and invite viewers into their remarkable world in Highway Patrol.
EPISODE INFO Title: Donut King Airdate: 2018-08-29 Episode plot: Sergeant Trevor Poulton witnesses the biggest burnout of his career when a car suddenly lays down rubber right in front of him.
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