SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Talk Show Stars: Kevin Hart Series Plot: Kevin Hart takes time out of his busy schedule to introduce the world to some of his favorite up-and-coming comedians, including James Davis, Mario Tory and William "Spank" Horton. Now’s their chance to make it big and break on through to the Next Level.
EPISODE INFO Title: Malik S. Airdate: 2018-08-17 Episode plot: Born and raised in Miami, Florida Malik S. is a triple threat talent and the last of seven children. His stand-up career has given him the opportunity to work as an actor and a network TV writer. Malik currently writes for the CBS sitcom The Neighborhood, on which he also plays the recurring role of Trey. Malik has also written for THE SOUL MAN (TV Land), Legends of Chamberlin Heights (Comedy Central) and THE COMEDY GET DOWN (BET). His acting credits include THE SOUL MAN (TV Land, recurring), Blackish (ABC), WHITE FAMOUS (Showtime), ZOE EVER AFTER (BET), BORN AGAIN VIRGIN (TV One), and THE COMEDY GET DOWN (BET).
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