SERIES INFO Genre: Game Show Stars: - Series Plot: Cash Cab is a game show that aired on the ITV Network in the UK from 13 June 2005 to 28 June 2006. The original programme that launched the worldwide Cash Cab franchise, it was hosted by John Moody.
The show's host initially poses as an ordinary taxi driver and drives around the major cities of the United Kingdom in a cab. The show pays its passengers for correctly answering standard general knowledge questions. Contestants are recruited in advance but are not told that the quiz will be taking place in the cab, so although the "pick-ups" are not as random as they appear on screen, the contestants are genuinely surprised when the taxi turns out to be the Cash Cab.
The contestants tell the driver their destination before getting into the taxi and are not allowed to change it. They then have the distance they need to travel to answer questions. The first five questions are relatively easy and worth £10 each, the next five are a little harder and worth £50, the next seven, even harder and worth £100, and any question after that is worth £500. If the contestant gets three questions wrong, they lose the money they have won up to that point and must leave the cab immediately.
The host of Cash Cab, John Moody, is a genuine qualified taxi driver, and has an easygoing presenting style.
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