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15-07-2018 12:12


Bitdefender Total Security 2018

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Complete Data Protection

Absolute power in the most efficient antivirus available today. Bitdefender Total Security 2018 works against all threats – from viruses, worms and Trojans, to ransomware, zero-day exploits, rootkits and spyware. Your data and your privacy are in good hands.

Advanced Threat Defense (New)

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 uses a technique called behavioral detection to closely monitor
active apps. The moment it detects anything suspicious, it takes instant action to prevent infections.

Webcam Protection (New)

Protect your privacy and prevent webcam leaks. Webcam Protection notifies you when apps try to access your webcam, and lets you block unauthorized access.

Multi-Layer Ransomware Protection (Improved)

You can place sensitive documents under multiple layers of protection, so they are safe from malicious encryption programs that demand ransom on your personal files.


Bitdefender Total Security 2018 sniffs and blocks websites that masquerade as trustworthy in order to steal financial data such as passwords or credit card numbers.


Our advanced filtering system warns you whenever you visit websites that may try to scam you, such as casinos, porn sites, money loan schemes and others.

Safe Files (New)

With Bitdefender Safe Files you can prevent unauthorized changes to your most important files. You simply add folders to the watch list, and Bitdefender guards the files stored in them against ransomware and other types of malware. Only applications that you explicitly trust are allowed access to your Safe Files.

Secure Browsing

Find out whether your search results are safe to access before you actually click on a link. Bitdefender Total Security 2018 also blocks known infected links.

Rescue Mode

Some sophisticated viruses, like rootkits, need to be removed before Windows starts. When Bitdefender Total Security 2018 detects such threats, it reboots the computer in Rescue Mode for clean-up and restoration.


Bitdefender Total Security 2018 packs effective anti-loss and anti-theft tools for your Windows laptop or tablet, remotely accessible from anywhere in the world via your web Bitdefender Central account.

Bitdefender Autopilot

Once switched on, Autopilot will run your entire cyber-security by itself. It makes optimal security decisions without asking for your input through nagging pop-ups and dialog boxes. Nothing to set up, nothing to configure.

Bitdefender Photon

This innovative, exclusive technology helps Bitdefender Total Security 2018 adapt to the hardware and software configuration of your system in order to save computing resources and improve speed and performance.

Global Protective Network

Most of the heavy scanning takes place in the cloud, so there is virtually zero impact on your local resources. This means your system’s speed and performance remain unaffected. And your files always remain completely private: we do not scan the actual contents of your files, and we never upload or store them in the cloud.

Game, Movie and Work Modes

Bitdefender Total Security 2018 detects when you play, work or watch a movie, so it knows not to bother you with unnecessary requests. This way, you can focus on what’s important. Depending on what you choose to do on your computer, Bitdefender temporarily halts pop-ups, adjusts visual settings, and pauses unimportant background activities to allow you to enjoy your device to the max.

Battery Mode

This useful, intelligent feature saves battery life for laptops and tablets by temporarily tweaking system settings such as display, system cooling, system updates or Bluetooth connectivity.

Bitdefender VPN (New)

With Bitdefender VPN you can stop worrying about privacy on the web. It protects your online presence by encrypting all Internet traffic. Bitdefender Total Security 2018 includes up to 200 MB daily encrypted traffic for your Windows, Android, macOS and iOS devices.

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Worry-free and fast online

Bank and shop from a unique, dedicated browser that secures your transactions to prevent fraud. Bitdefender Safepay can now also automatically fill out credit card details in billing fields.

Parental Advisor (Improved)

With Parental Advisor, you can discreetly supervise your children’s online activities to keep them safe. Filter out inappropriate content and control online time for each child’s account. Simply log in to your web Bitdefender Central account from anywhere, and keep up with your kids’ location or activities.

Privacy Firewall (Improved)

With Bitdefender Total Security 2018 you get a powerful layer of network protection, so your personal information stays safe from hackers and data snoops. Social Network Protection

Stay safe from malicious links and any threats that your friends unwittingly pass on to you via Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or other
social networks.

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Password Manager (Improved)

Store your passwords, credit card information and other sensitive data in a secure vault for easy access whenever you need them. Password
Manager gives you the option to autofill online forms and can even recommend secure passwords.

File Shredder (Improved)

Use this tool when you wish to delete a file for good and leave no traces that it ever existed on your PC.

Bitdefender Autopilot

It’s pure freedom: just turn Autopilot on and it will run all your cyber-security by itself, hassle-free. Without pop-ups, dialog boxes or hundreds of options to go through, you’ll be able to focus on your work and on having fun.

Quick Risk Checker (Improved)

Scan for security holes and vulnerabilities with just one click. Bitdefender checks your PC for outdated and vulnerable software, missing Windows security patches and potentially unsafe system settings, and will indicate the best fix.

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System Requirements

[code]System Requirements

Windows Operating system

Microsoft Windows 7(SP1), Microsoft Windows 8, Microsoft Windows 8.1, Microsoft Windows 10

Minimal System Requirements

CPU: Dual Core 1.6 GHz processor
Memory (RAM): 1 GB
Available free
hard disk space: 1.5 GB free space

Recommended System Requirements

CPU: Intel CORE 2 Duo (2
GHz) or equivalent processor
Memory (RAM): 2 GB
Available free hard disk space: 2 GB free space

Software requirements

Internet Explorer version 10 or higher

Integrates with

Chrome version 34 and higher
Mozilla Firefox version 30 and higher
Thunderbird version 14 and higher
Outlook 2007, 2010, 2013[/code]


1. Disable your internet connection and install Bitdender Agent.exe

When Bitdefender Agent error appears (there was an error while downloading one of the installation files...) close it, run the antivirus installation (Setup.exe)(32 Bit or 64 Bit) and select your favourite language .

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2. At the end of the process, (with internet connection enabled)
start it, create a fake account using temporary mail and start the free trial for 30 days.

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Trial Reset Guide

On the Bitdefender Antivirus main interface click on: See Functionality and disable all anti-virus defenses.

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Extract from the compressed "Trial" folder only "Safe Mode.exe" and run it as administrator and confirm.

Now the Pc will restart in safe mode. Once entered in safe mode extract "Trial reset.exe" from compressed Trial reset zip folder and run it as administrator.

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Now Pc will restart again but in normal mode.

Recreate a new fake account and start the free trial again.


Create fake account before the end of 30 days and not after.

Procedure and screenshots by JackieALF

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