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Christmas TV - 314 Episodes With High IMDB Ratings - Part 3 of 5 (M - R, 70 episodes, 35GB) jZQ

If you downloaded that torrent, then you can just download the new episodes in '0 2024'

MacGyver - C8H7CIO + Nano-Trackers + Resistance + Maldives + Mind Games (2021) IMDB 7.3 S05E11
Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries - Murder Under the Mistletoe (2013) IMDB 8.0 S02E13
Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid - Troupe Dragon, on Stage! (They Had a Troupe Name, Huh) (2017) IMDB 7.7 S01E10
Moonlighting - It's a Wonderful Job (1986) IMDB 7.6 S03E08
Mortimer & Whitehouse; Gone Fishing - Gone Christmas Fishing (2020) IMDB 8.6 S20E20
Murder, She Wrote - A Christmas Secret (1992) IMDB 7.9 S09E09
Nash Bridges - 25 Hours of Christmas (1996) IMDB 7.6 S02E12
Night Court - Let It Snow (1987) IMDB 7.7 S05E11
Night Court - Santa Goes Downtown (1984) IMDB 7.6 S01E02
Night Court - The Night Court Before Christmas (1988) IMDB 7.9 S06E09
Night Gallery - The Messiah on Mott StreetThe Painted Mirror (1971) IMDB 7.6 S02E13
Not Going Out - Wilfred (2023) IMDB 7.3 S13E08
Ookami shoujo to kuro ouji - An Impregnable Defense (2014) IMDB 7.5 S01E05
Parenthood - What to My Wondering Eyes (2012) IMDB 8.8 S04E11
Poirot - The Affair at the Victory Ball (1991) IMDB 7.5 S03E09
QI - All I Want for Christmas is U (2023) IMDB 7.2 S22E01
Quantum Leap - Promised Land - December 22, 1971 (1992) IMDB 7.4 S05E11
Rawhide - Twenty-Five Santa Clauses (1961) IMDB 7.7 S04E12
Remington Steele - Dancer, Prancer, Donner and Steele (1985) IMDB 7.7 S04E09
Remington Steele - Santa Claus Is Coming to Steele (1986) IMDB 7.9 S04E14
Rick and Morty - Ricktional Mortpoon's Rickmas Mortcation (2022) IMDB 8.0 S06E10

These are the TV episodes in the '314' torrent (which are all in this torrent too):

M+A+S+H - 'Twas the Day After Christmas (1981) IMDB=7.7 S10E09
M+A+S+H - Dear Dad (1972) IMDB=8.3 S01E12
M+A+S+H - Dear Sis (1978) IMDB=8.3 S07E14
M+A+S+H - Death Takes a Holiday (1980) IMDB=8.5 S09E05
Mad Men - Christmas Comes But Once a Year (2010) IMDB=8.2 S04E02
Mad Men - Christmas Waltz (2012) IMDB=8.2 S05E10
Malcolm in the Middle - Christmas (2001) IMDB=8.1 S03E07
Malcolm in the Middle - Christmas Trees (2003) IMDB=7.8 S05E07
Malcolm in the Middle - Hal's Christmas Gift (2004) IMDB=8.0 S06E06
Mickey Mouse - Duck the Halls; A Mickey Mouse Christmas Special (2016) IMDB=8.1 Cartoon S03E21
Midsomer Murders - Ghosts of Christmas Past (2004) IMDB=8.3 S07E07
Miracle Workers (2019) - Dark Ages; Holiday IMDB=7.3 S02E05
Misfits - Christmas Special (2010) IMDB=8.2 S02E07
Modern Family (2009) - Express Christmas IMDB=8.0 S03E10
Modern Family - Undeck the Halls (2009) IMDB=8.1 S01E10
Modern Family - White Christmas (2015) IMDB=8.3 S07E09
Monk - Mr. Monk and the Man Who Shot Santa Claus (2007) IMDB=7.8 S06E10
Monk - Mr. Monk and the Miracle (2008) IMDB=7.8 S07E09
Monk - Mr. Monk and the Secret Santa (2005) IMDB=8.1 S04E09
Monk - Mr. Monk Meets His Dad (2006) IMDB=7.9 S05E09
Mr. Bean - Merry Christmas, Mr. Bean (1992) IMDB=9.0 S01E07
Murdoch Mysteries (2008) - A Merry Murdoch Christmas IMDB=7.9 S09E00
Murdoch Mysteries (2008) - Once Upon a Murdoch Christmas IMDB=8.2 S10E00
Murdoch Mysteries (2008) - The Night Before Christmas IMDB=8.5 S15E11
My Hero Academia (2016) - Have a Merry Christmas! IMDB=6.7 S05E13
My So-Called Life - So Called Angels (1994) IMDB=8.6 S01E15
Mystery Science Theater 3000 - Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (1991) IMDB=8.1 S04E21
New Girl - Christmas Eve Eve (2016) IMDB=7.6 S06E10
Newhart - No Room at the Inn (1982) IMDB=8.0 S01E09
NewsRadio (1995) - Christmas IMDB=7.6 S03E10
NewsRadio (1995) - Stupid Holiday Charity Talent Show IMDB=7.6 S04E08
No Activity - The Night Before Christmas (2018) IMDB=8.8 S02E07
Northern Exposure - Seoul Mates (1991) IMDB=8.6 S03E10
Northern Exposure - Shofar, So Good (1994) IMDB=7.7 AJewishChristmasCarolS06E03
Ore Monogatari!! - My Christmas (2015) IMDB=7.6 akaMyLoveStory Anime S01E17
Outnumbered - Christmas Special (2012) IMDB=7.8 S04E08
Parks and Recreation - Christmas Scandal (2009) IMDB=8.0 S02E12
Parks and Recreation - Citizen Knope (2011) IMDB=8.5 S04E10
Peep Show - Seasonal Beatings (2010) IMDB=8.9 FBombs S07E05
Phineas and Ferb - A Phineas and Ferb Family Christmas (2011) IMDB=7.6 Cartoon S03E14
Phineas and Ferb - Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation! (2009) IMDB=8.7 Cartoon S02E21
Pinky and the Brain - A Pinky & the Brain Christmas (1995) IMDB=8.5 Cartoon S01E08
Poirot - Hercule Poirot's Christmas (1994) IMDB=8.1 S06E01
Psych - Christmas Joy (2008) IMDB=8.3 S03E09
Psych - Gus's Dad May Have Killed an Old Guy (2007) IMDB=8.4 S02E10
Psych - The Polarizing Express (2010) IMDB=7.9 S05E14
Pushing Daisies - Corpsicle (2007) IMDB=8.5 S01E09
Quantum Leap - A Little Miracle - December 24, 1962 (1990) IMDB=8.1 S03E10
Raki suta; Lucky Star - Iron na seiya no sugoshi kata (2007) IMDB=7.8 Anime S01E11
Regular Show - Christmas in Space (2016) IMDB=8.8 Cartoon S08E23
Regular Show - Merry Christmas Mordecai (2014) IMDB=9.0 Cartoon S06E10
Regular Show - The Christmas Special (2012) IMDB=9.7 Cartoon NotForYoungKids S04E09
Reply 1988 - To You (2015) IMDB=8.6 KDrama S01E07
Returning the Favor - A Firefighter Christmas (2018) IMDB=8.8 S03E05
Rick and Morty - Anatomy Park (2013) IMDB=8.4 Cartoon S01E03
Rick and Morty - Never Ricking Morty (2020) IMDB=8.1 Cartoon S04E06
Rick and Morty - Rattlestar Ricklactica (2019) IMDB=8.9 Cartoon S04E05
Robot Chicken - Born Again Virgin Christmas Special (2013) IMDB=7.8 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S06E21
Robot Chicken - Dear Consumer (2009) IMDB=7.6 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S04E20
Robot Chicken - Robot Chicken Christmas Special (2005) IMDB=7.6 KillBill StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S01E22
Robot Chicken - Robot Chicken Christmas Special; X-Mas United (2015) IMDB=7.6 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S08E07
Robot Chicken - Robot Chicken's ATM Christmas Special (2012) IMDB=7.7 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S06E13
Robot Chicken - Robot Chicken's DP Christmas Special (2010) IMDB=7.7 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S05E10
Robot Chicken - Robot Chicken's Half-Assed Christmas Special (2007) IMDB=7.6 CharlieBrownChristmas StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S03E14
Robot Chicken - Robot Chicken's Santa's Dead (2019) IMDB=7.6 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S10E11
Robot Chicken - Santa Claus Pot Cookie Freakout Special (2017) IMDB=6.9 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S09E01
Robot Chicken - The Robot Chicken Lots of Holidays (2014) IMDB=7.8 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S07E20
Robot Chicken DC Comics Special II; Villains in Paradise (2014) IMDB=7.7 StopActionAnimation NotForYoungKids S08E07
Rugrats - The Santa Experience (1992) IMDB=8.1 Cartoon S02E14

(Nearly) all of the episodes have:

* IMDB.html - Double-click these shortcuts to the episodes' IMDB page.
* An Emby-generated NFO file with information like this:

[?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?]
 [plot /]
 [outline /]
 [dateadded]2024-03-09 10:48:40[/dateadded]

Enjoy! Merry Christmas!

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