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Space is a technology-driven domain, and policy development has accelerated in recent years, at a time when the space economy has begun to show remarkable potential. Thus, this handbook gathers experts from different fields with the aim of (1) offering an overview of the state of play regarding space policy issues, and (2) expanding knowledge about possible future developments. Given the cross-disciplinary nature of the subject and its vast scope, the authors' contributions are grouped within different thematic sections, as follows:
Theoretical structures for an understanding of space policies
The history of space
Society, justice, and the human impact
Governance of space
Popularisation of space
New frontiers in space and expansion into the unknown
World space policies by geographic areas.
The introduction and the conclusion chapters provide a coherent connection between the contributions, with each section presenting transversal themes, such as power dynamics and rules, commercialisation, sustainability, militarisation, applications and domestic use, and justice