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This textbook builds upon the solid foundation established by the first edition, addressing the persistent scarcity of comprehensive yet accessible textbooks in the field. While preserving the original structure and essence, this revised edition updates the content to reflect a decade of advancements in Nanoscience. Designed for advanced undergraduate and beginning graduate students in Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science, the book focuses on the fundamental principles illustrated through the study of nanoparticles. It encompasses three interconnected parts: the physicochemical principles of Nanoscience, the chemistry and synthesis of nanoparticles, and techniques for studying these materials. The new edition benefits from years of classroom experience, enhancing clarity based on student feedback, and remains a didactical tool that emphasizes essential concepts without sacrificing depth. Despite necessary exclusions to maintain conciseness, such as detailed discussions on superlattices and nanomagnetism, the book provides a comprehensive introduction to the field, leaving room for readers to explore rapidly evolving applications through the cited literature.
The Nanoscience Paradigm: “Size Matters!”
Size and Shape Effects on Semiconductor Nanoparticles
Metal Nanoparticles for Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Nanoporous Materials and Confined Liquids
Supported Metal Nanoparticles
The Challenge of Colloidal Nanoparticle Synthesis
Electron Microscopy Techniques
Scanning Probe Microscopy and Spectroscopy
Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Based Spectroscopic Techniques
Solution NMR Toolbox for Colloidal Nanoparticles