Pianist Alexei Lubimov performs all the works on this new recording on the Pianino / Upright piano Pleyel, 1843, Chopin's Piano. "I wanted to imagine how Classical repertoire could have sounded when interpreted by Chopin and his pupils on a Pleyel pianino in the composer's study-salon in Parisat home, with no audience. The Pleyel pianino dictated the manner of performing works by Bach, Mozart and Beethoven, using its magic to transform their works into musical images of Chopin's world. I wanted to imagine, to grasp that hypnotic 'Chopinisation' of the great pre-Chopin composers. Chopin, the poet of the piano, played and gave lessons using instruments which suited his temperament and his feelings, which to a considerable extent shaped his taste and style. Not without reason was the Pleyel pianino in his home in constant use. Its sounddelicate, fragile, seemingly broken yet incredibly songful, resonant, at times resembling a glass harmonica, at times a harp or some other string instrumentbest conveys Chopin's efforts to achieve vocal cantabile, Italian bel canto. The testimony of numerous pupils clearly relates that Chopin would begin lessons with Bach preludes and fugues. Mozart, particularly his slow movements with cantabile phrases, was the model for Chopin when he wanted to demonstrate the possibilities for melodic rubato and the right hand's independence from the bass. Finally, Beethoven's 'Moonlight' Sonata was played many times on Chopin's piano (his pupil, Lenz describes Chopin's fingering in the second movement). Allow me to share a few of the secrets which this magical instrument whispered to me in works that have been overplayed through the bright, open sound of concert pianos." Alexei Lubimov.