SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Family Stars: Michael Cudlitz, Mary McCormack, Jack Gore, Caleb Foote, Andy Walken Series Plot: Set in the 1970s, this ensemble comedy follows a traditional Irish-Catholic family, the Clearys, as they navigate big and small changes during one of America's most turbulent decades. In a working-class neighborhood outside Los Angeles, Mike and Peggy raise eight boisterous boys who live out their days with little supervision. The household is turned upside down when oldest son Lawrence returns home and announces he's quitting the seminary to go off and "save the world." Times are changing and this family will never be the same. There are 10 people, three bedrooms, one bathroom and everyone in it for themselves.
EPISODE INFO Title: Peggy Drives Away Airdate: 2019-04-09 Episode plot: After a mishap at the grocery store, Peggy storms out of the house without explanation, leaving Mike and the boys wondering which one of them set her off. Meanwhile, Mike thinks he may be the culprit who sent Peggy away for not signing an application for a credit card she wanted, and he enlists Wendi to help find her.
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