SERIES INFO Genre: Comedy Family Stars: Taran Killam, Leighton Meester, Brad Garrett, Jake Choi, Kimrie Lewis Series Plot: Single Parents revolves around a group of dysfunctional single parents who lean on one another as they raise their kids, look for love and ultimately realize survival is only possible with the help of one another.
EPISODE INFO Title: Raining Blood Airdate: 2019-04-03 Episode plot: To celebrate Angie's 30th birthday, Will throws a big party recreating Ozzfest, which Angie missed in her 20s. When Angie assumes Owen planned it for her, awkward encounters ensue. Meanwhile, Douglas takes Graham shopping to help him find the perfect gift for his mom, Angie, for her birthday, but a distracted Douglas results in Graham buying a not-so-on-point gift.
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