The series follows John Nolan, a forty-year-old man, who moves from his comfortable, small town life to Los Angeles to pursue his dream of being a police officer for the Los Angeles Police Department. He must navigate the dangerous, humorous and unpredictable world of a "young" cop, determined to make his second shot at life count.
SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Comedy Crime Stars: Nathan Fillion, Eric Winter, Melissa O'Neil, Richard T. Jones, Alyssa Diaz Series Plot: The Rookie is inspired by a true story. John Nolan is the oldest rookie in the LAPD. At an age where most are at the peak of their career, Nolan cast aside his comfortable, small town life and moved to L.A. to pursue his dream of being a cop. Now, surrounded by rookies twenty years his junior, Nolan must navigate the dangerous, humorous and unpredictable world of a "young" cop, determined to make his second shot at life count.
EPISODE INFO Title: Escape Plan Airdate: 2024-05-21 Episode plot: Sgt. Grey helps the team prepare for their biggest mission yet. Meanwhile, Aaron, Lopez, Celina, Tim and Smitty discover a surprising connection in their case.
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