Title: Black Knight
Description: This is the story an amusement park employee named Jamal Walker who is magically transported back to medieval times in 14th-century England. There, Jamal meets Sir Knolte, a dissolute knight, before he stumbles into the court of the usurper King Leo. Jamal is impressed by what he thinks is the realism of the theme park; only after witnessing a gory beheading does he realize, with horror, where he really is. Jamal encounters the beautiful Victoria who is scheming to return the queen to the throne, and falls afoul of the evil Sir Percival. Joining forces with Sir Knolte and Victoria, Jamal teaches the rebels some helpful football, golfing, and boxing moves, before he dons the armor of the awesome "Black Knight"!
Director(s): Gil Junger
Creator(s): Gerry Swallow, Darryl Quarles, Peter Gaulke
Stars: Martin Lawrence, Marsha Thomason, Tom Wilkinson
IMDb ID: tt0265087
Format : MPEG-TS
File Size : 806.02 MiB
Duration : 1 h 35 min
Overall Bit Rate Mode : Variable
Overall Bit Rate : 1178 kb/s
Format : AVC
Format Info : Advanced Video Codec
Format Profile : High@L4
Format Settings : CABAC / 5 Ref Frames
Codec Id : 27
Duration : 1 h 35 min
Width : 1280 pixels
Height : 544 pixels
Display Aspect Ratio : 2.353
Frame Rate Mode : Variable
Color Space : YUV
Chroma Subsampling : 4:2:0
Bit Depth : 8 bits
Scan Type : Progressive
Stream Identifier : 0
Menu Id : 1
Format : AAC
Format Info : Advanced Audio Codec Low Complexity
Format Version : Version 4
Muxing Mode : ADTS
Codec Id : 15-2
Duration : 1 h 35 min
Bit Rate Mode : Variable
Channel S : 2
Channel Positions : Front: L R
Sampling Rate : 44.1 kHz
Frame Rate : 43.066
Compression Mode : Lossy
Delay Relative To Video : -46 ms
Menu Id : 1
Format : AVC / AAC
Duration : 1 h 35 min