Enter a workshop filled with expert craftspeople, bringing loved pieces of family history and the memories they hold back to life. A heartwarming antidote to throwaway culture.
Season 11 - Episode 40
Vladimir, his wife, Helen, and daughter, Lili, arrive with a family heirloom that they have recently inherited. They made an epic road trip across Europe to Serbia to collect the impressive wooden wall clock. Vlad’s great-great-grandfather bought the clock in the early 1900s, and it has been passed down five generations of his family. Vlad’s ancestors were affluent farmers living in what was then Yugoslavia. At the end of the Second World War, it became a communist nation, and his family were stripped of their land and wealth. They faced great hardship for many years, and this clock and its upkeep soon became a symbol of their determination and family values. Vlad is very proud of his heritage and is honoured to be the custodian of the clock. It was carefully dismantled and boxed in order to make the 4,000-mile journey back to the UK, but as Vlad lifted it from the car in his driveway, the box broke and the carved wooden casing fell to the ground, breaking into pieces. Horologist Steve Fletcher comes to the rescue, giving the mechanism the much-needed kiss of life, while woodwork wonder Will Kirk gets to grips with the smashed casing.
Master hatter Jayesh Vaghela takes receipt of a policeman’s helmet that belonged to an inspector who was admired by all who met him but tragically died young, leaving a wife and six sons. Sons Richard and Peter have kept it safe for years until an unfortunate incident took place with the family dog, who made a meal out of it! Much of the front peak has been chewed away and is misshapen. They would dearly like to have it repaired to display as a way of preserving their father’s memory.
The final visitor to the barn is Claire, with a small stained-glass angel that was made for her by her much-missed mother, Margaret. Margaret loved learning new skills and hobbies, and this angel has become one of Claire’s most treasured possessions. It hung on her window for years, watching over her until it was blown off by a breeze and shattered. Claire desperately needs expert Matt Nickel’s help to piece it back together and has a special request as to how that might be done.
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