Inspired by true events, Kindling follows a group of young men who return to their hometown to turn their friend Sid's final summer into a celebration of life and friendship. Facing mortality, Sid wants to create a legacy and be remembered forever. With his obsession for astronomy and the atmosphere, he comes up with a plan to bring everyone together and make this summer unforgettable. He gives each boy a category - love, home, friends, family and location - and asks them to find an item that connects them all with the word they've been given. That week they'll build a fire to burn the items they collect, a ritual that Sid believes will make him last forever.
GENERAL INFO Genre: Drama, Romance Director: Connor O'Hara Stars: George Somner, Conrad Khan, Wilson Radjou-Pujalte, Mia McKenna-Bruce, Rory J. Saper Plot: A group of young men return to their home town in order to turn their friend's final days into a celebration of life and friendship.
movie truncated with character heads appearing top half cropped
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