SERIES INFO Genre: Drama Stars: Brec Bassinger, Donna Mills, Khobe Clarke, Fran Drescher, Elyse Maloway Series Plot: V.C. Andrews' Dawn follows the story of Dawn Longchamp, who after growing up in humble surroundings with a very hardworking family including her devoted father Ormand and older brother Jimmy, suddenly has everything she loves ripped away from her. After discovering the shocking truth about the people who raised her, she is thrust into a new family whose dark and twisted secrets change the course of her life forever.
EPISODE INFO Title: Part Two: Secrets of the Morning Airdate: 2023-07-15 Episode plot: Dawn gains the upper hand with her grandmother Lilian after revealing some disturbing details about her past, and she plans her move to New York City so that she can attend the best performing arts school there. Dawn, who lives in a boarding house run by an aging actress named Agnes Morris, cannot shake her dreams about Jimmy and the painful secrets she and Jimmy share. New teacher and Broadway star Michael Sutton has his sights set on Dawn. Dawn is captivated by his charms, but when he suddenly vanishes, she finds herself back at the mercy of her evil grandmother.
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