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With the seminal paper by Diffie and Hellman, and the introduction to public-key cryptography, a very broad area of research has emerged. Public-key cryptography includes not only the asymmetric variants of encryption and authentication, i.e. public-key encryption and signature schemes, but also many other innovative and impressively powerful tools. This book aims at presenting the main cryptographic primitives that have been proposed within the last 40 years, with chapters written by famous cryptographers, who are all specialists in the specific domains, with several publications in the main international venues on cryptography. I am very honored they all accepted my invitation to participate and make this book as complete as possible. This book starts with a presentation of the main primitives of public key cryptography, namely public-key encryption and signatures, including definitions and security models. This chapter also gives the flavor of the meaning of provable security, explaining what it means when one claims a cryptographic scheme to be secure.
Public-Key Encryption and Security Notions
Signatures and Security Notions
Zero-Knowledge Proofs
Secure Multiparty Computation
Pairing-Based Cryptography
Broadcast Encryption and Traitor Tracing
Attribute-Based Encryption
Advanced Signatures
Key Exchange
Password Authenticated Key Exchange: Protocols and Security Models
Verifiable Computation and Succinct Arguments for NP