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This book discusses the essential properties of carbon nanotubes and 2D graphene systems. The book focuses on the fundamental excitation properties of a large range of graphene-related materials, presenting a new theoretical framework that couples electronic properties and e–e Coulomb interactions together in order to thoroughly explore Coulomb excitations and decay rates in carbon-nanotube-related systems. This book is aimed at researchers in nanomaterials and high-level students in physics, science and material engineering. It will serve as the ideal reference text for scientists working on carbon nanotubes, and will thoroughly expand the reader's knowledge of the application of carbon nanotube technology to graphene-based materials and the technological potential thereof.
Experimental characterizations
Theories for electronic excitations and de-excitations in 1D–3D carbon nanotube systems
Low-frequency excitations in single-walled carbon nanotubes
Doping, temperature and electric-field effects
Magneto-electronic Coulomb excitations
Orbital hybridizations and Coulomb couplings of coaxial carbon nanotubes
Momentum- and angular-momentum-enriched plasmon modes in carbon-based sp2 materials
Static screenings of charged impurities in cylindrical surfaces
The propagation of low-frequency plasmons and electron–hole excitations
Coulomb decay rates of excited electrons and holes
Concluding remarks and perspectives
Open issues
Problems related to carbon nanotubes