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Authors show students of science and engineering the potential computers have for solving numerical problems and give them ample opportunities to hone their skills in programming and problem solving. The text also helps students learn about errors that inevitably accompany scientific computations and arms them with methods for detecting, predicting, and controlling these errors.
The objectives and the goals of our course have been met using this text. We want our students to learn the importance of seeking a numerical solution to a practical problem by applying relevant algorithms and analyze the speed of convergence, reliability, and validate the solution. We want our students to write programs using the same approach starting with a careful pseudo code before coding into the computer. We want our students to be exposed to the use of computer algebra systems. We want our students to be able to work on a variety of problems. This book has definitely met all our needs. This is why we have adopted it. This is one of the best textbooks on elementary numerical analysis available today. The instructor can easily tailor the abundant material it offers for any particular course need. Another bright spot of this book is its myriad selections of excellently compiled exercise problems that go very well with the main text.
This is a well written text full of excellent examples