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This volume presents recent developments in geometric structures on Riemannian manifolds and their discretizations. With chapters written by recognized experts, these discussions focus on contact structures, Kähler structures, fiber bundle structures and Einstein metrics. It also contains works on the geometric approach on coding theory. For researchers and students, this volume forms an invaluable source to learn about these subjects that are not only in the field of differential geometry but also in other wide related areas. It promotes and deepens the study of geometric structures.
Magnetic curves in quasi-Sasakian manifolds of product type
Motion of charged particles in a compact homogeneous Sasakian manifold
A note on Legendre trajectories on Sasakian space forms
Non naturally reductive Einstein metrics on the symplectic group via quaternionic flag manifolds
A Lie theoretic interpretation of realizations of some contact metric manifolds
About code equivalence — a geometric approach
An algorithm for computing the covering radius of a linear code based on Vilenkin-Chrestenson transform
Geometric properties of non-flat totally geodesic surfaces in symmetric spaces of type A
On the relationships between Hopf brations and Cartanhyper surfaces in spheres •
Bochner curvature of cotangent bundles with natural diagonal Kähler structures
Isotropicity of surfaces with zero mean curvature vector in 4-dimensional spaces
Geometry of Lie hypersurfaces in a complex hyperbolic space
Kähler graphs whose principal graphs are of Cartesian product type