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Companies that use innovative training and development practices are likely to report better financial performance than their competitors that do not. Training and development also help a company develop the human capital needed to meet competitive challenges. Many companies now recognize that learning through training development and knowledge management helps employees strengthen or increase their skills directly impacting their job performance satisfaction and career advancement. The 9th edition covers and addresses the changes in training and development from an employer and employee perspective - adding value to the employer and employee. Based on the author's extensive experience in teaching training and development courses to both graduate and undergraduate students Employee Training and Development Ninth Edition retains the lively writing style inspiring examples and emphasis on new technology and strategic training from previous editions.
The Context for Training and Development
Introduction to Employee Training and Development
Strategic Training
Designing Training
Needs Assessment
Learning and Transfer of Training
Program Design
Training Evaluation
Training and Development Methods
Traditional Training Methods
Technology-Based Training Methods
Employee Development and Career Management
Social Responsibility and the Future
Social Responsibility: Legal Issues, Managing Diversity, and Career Challenges
The Future of Training and Development