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For many years I have wanted to write the Great American Differential Geometry book. Today a dilemma confronts any one intent on penetrating the mysteries of differential geometry. On the one hand, one can consult numerous classical treatments of the subject in an attempt to form some idea how the concepts within it developed. Unfortunately, a modern mathematical education tends to make classical mathematical works inaccessible, particularly those in differential geometry. On the other hand, one can now find texts as modern in spirit, and as clean in exposition, as Bourbaki's Algebra. But a thorough study of these books usually leaves one unprepared to consult classical works, and entirely ignorant of the relationship between elegant modern constructions and their classical counterparts. ... no one denies that modern definitions are clear, elegant, and precise it's just that it's impossible to comprehend how any one ever thought of them. And even after one does master a modern treatment of differential geometry, other modern treatments often appear simply to be about totally different subjects.
There are two main premises on which these notes are based. The first premise is that it is absurdly inefficient to eschew the modern language of manifolds, bundles, forms, etc., which was developed precisely in order to rigorize the concepts of classical differential geometry.
The second premise for these notes is that in order for an introduction to differential geometry to expose the geometric aspect of the subject, an historical approach is necessary there is no point in introducing the curvature tensor without explaining how it was invented and what it has to do with curvature. The second volume of these notes gives a detailed exposition of the fundamental papers of Gauss and Riemann