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Tn the following work I have tried to present the elements of Coordinate Geometry in a manner suitable for Beginners and Junior Students. The present book only deals with Cartesian and Polar Coordinates. Within these limits I venture to hope that the book is fairly complete, and that no propositions of very great importance have been omitted.
The Straight Line and Circle have been treated more fully than the other portions of the subject, since it is generally in the elementary conceptions that beginners find great difficulties.
There are a large number of Examples, over 1100 in all, and they are, in general, of an elementary character. The examples are especially numerous in the earlier parts of the book.
Introduction. Algebraic Results
Coordinates. Lengths of Straight Lines and Areas of Triangles
Locus. Equation to a Locus
The Straight Line. Rectangular Coordinates
The Straight Line. Polar Equations and Oblique Coordinates
Equations representing two or more Straight Lines
Transformation of Coordinates
The Circle
Systems of Circles
Conic Sections. The Parabola
The Parabola (continued)
The Ellipse
The Hyperbola
Polar Equation to a Conic
General Equation. Tracing of Curves
General Equation
Miscellaneous Propositions