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At first glance, materials science and the life sciences are so far removed from each other that it is difficult to find any connection between them, but such a relationship exists and is extremely important for further development. New materials with intentional properties, belonging to the group of biomaterials, allow for applications and medical technologies which have not been achieved until recently. However, with the current state of knowledge and technology, the dreams of creating one ‘super biomaterial’ suitable for all biomedical applications should be shelved. Even nature has not coped with such a challenge and for the performance of various functions it has developed different tissues with different mechanical properties and different profiles of biological activity, although the formation and functioning of all these tissues is based on one polymer material, which is the genetic material contained in the cell. This material is identical in every cell of a given organism, regardless of the function of the cell in the tissue, and the tissue in the body. In this sense, deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) can be described as a ‘super biomaterial’.
Materials science and life sciences
Biological recognition of materials
Quantum basis of materials recognition by cells
Considerations of substrate bonding and catalysis models