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New programmers start here...this book introduces students or aspiring professionals to the world of computer programming using javascript and related technologies. This book doesn't just teach the basics of programming, but also all of the tools that new programmers need to get started, including the basics of making web pages and how the Internet works.
Programming for Absolute Beginners offers practice problems, activities, and a host of resources to get new programmers started, plus a large glossary of terms introduced in the book and that a new programmer might encounter when learning on their own. No special software is required this book will help you regardless of what your computer setup is, and source code will be freely available via GitHub.
The programming language covered in this book is called javascript. I like to teach javascript as a first language for several reasons. First of all, javascript was developed to be a first language. One of the goals of the language was to make it easy for new programmers to get started quickly. Even though javascript was designed to make programming easier for new programmers, it is not any less powerful as a language. Second, javascript has become the de facto programming language for website interfaces. If you use a website that does anything besides link to other web pages, javascript is probably involved. Therefore, learning javascript will have immediate practical benefits in learning how the Web operates. Third, the tools for programming javascript are available on every computer. You don’t need to download any special tools to program javascript. If you have a computer with a web browser, you can program javascript! Finally, javascript is very similar to other popular programming languages such as C#, Java, and Swift. Therefore, knowing javascript will not only be immediately beneficial for programming websites, it is also a language that makes it easy to transition to other popular systems.
What You Will Learn
How computers work
How computers communicate over networks
How web pages are built with HTML and CSS
How javascript works
How javascript interacts with web pages
Intermediate javascript topics such as recursion and scoping
Using javascript for network communication
Computers, Data, and Communication
A Short History of Computers
How Computers Communicate
How a Computer Looks at Data
How Computers Work
Basic Ingredients for Web Programming
The HTML File Format
Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets
Your First JavaScript Program
JavaScript Fundamentals
Basic JavaScript Syntax
Introducing Functions and Scope
Grouping Values Together with Objects and Arrays
Interacting with Web Pages
Intermediate JavaScript
Recursive Functions and the Stack
Manipulating Functions and Scopes
Intermediate Objects
Programming Applications
Modernizing JavaScript
Working with Remote Services (APIs)
Writing Server-Side JavaScript
Appendix A. Glossary
Appendix B. Operating System and Browser Specifics
Appendix C. The JavaScript Toolbox on Docker
Appendix D. Character Encoding Issues
Appendix E. Additional Machine Language Programs