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This book provides an overview of Fetal Medicine practice focusing on various aspects of fetal health such as screening for fetal aneuploidies and imaging for fetal anomalies, their basic management and technological breakthroughs.Although the field of Fetal Medicine is very wide, this book has condensed the important issues and is written in an " easy to read" format to simplify concepts for the readers. Fetal Medicine has emerged as a separate specialization and has an interdisciplinary appeal for clinicians. With the advent of knowledge and awareness in this field there are emerging challenges in counseling patients regarding available options. This book aims to be a ready reference for clinicians in Obstetrics and Radiology who encounter patients with fetal anomalies, growth disorders, multiple pregnancies and genetic /chromosomal problems.This is a highly informative and carefully presented book providing insights for clinicians with an interest in Fetal Medicine
Introduction to Fetal Medicine
History Taking in the Fetal Medicine Clinic
Timeline of Fetal Evaluation in Normal Pregnancy
Principles and Methods of Screening for Fetal Aneuploidies
Basics of Imaging for Fetal Evaluation
Evaluation of Fetal Biometry
Midtrimester Fetal Anomaly Scan
Basics of Doppler Imaging and Application in Fetal Medicine
Fetal Growth Disorders
The “First Trimester (11–14 Weeks) Scan”
Multiple Pregnancy Evaluation in Fetal Medicine Clinic
Placenta, Cord, Amniotic Fluid, and Cervix
Basics of Genetics in Fetal Medicine
Recurrent Fetal Problems: Looking for Solutions
Invasive Prenatal Diagnostic and Therapeutic Procedures
Rhesus Isoimmunization and Fetal Infections
Potential for Assessing Maternal Morbidity in Fetal Medicine Clinics
Essentials of Counseling in Fetal Medicine