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This book covers advancements and future challenges in biomedical application development using disruptive technologies like AI, IoT and signal processing. Book is divided into four main sections namely medical image processing using AI, IoT and biomedical devices, biomedical signal processing and electronic health records including advances in biomedical systems. It includes different case studies of biomedical applications using different AI algorithms related to diabetes, skin cancer, breast cancer, cervical cancer, osteoarthritis, and so forth.
Covers different technologies like AI, IOT and signal processing in the context of biomedical applications.
Reviews medical image analysis, disease detection, and prediction.
Comprehends the advantage of recent technologies for medical record keeping through electronics health records (EHRs).
Presents state of art research in the field of biomedical engineering using various physiological signals.
Explores different Bio Sensors used in Healthcare Applications using IOT.
This book aims at Graduate students and researchers in artificial intelligence, medical imaging, biomedical engineering, and internet of things.
Editor Biographies
List of Contributors
AI/ML for Biomedical Applications
Recent Advances of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Nanobiomedical Applications: Trends, Challenges, and Future Prospects
Medical Imaging Modalities and Different Image Processing Techniques: State of the Art Review
Prognosis and Diagnosis of Disease Using AI/ML Techniques
AI-Based Approach for Brain Tumor Detection and Classification
Prediction and Classification of Alzheimer’s Disease Using Machine Learning Models
Classification of Histopathology Images of Lung Cancer Using Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
Case Study on Oropharyngeal Cancer Prediction and Diagnosis and Management Based Upon MRI, CT Scan Imaging Techniques
IOT and Smart Healthcare
Introduction to Smart Healthcare Using IoMT
A Webcam-Based Belt-System for Respiratory and Chest-Expansion Measurements
Novel Data Analysis Framework in Smart City Healthcare
Bio-Signal Processing
Evolution of Automatic Epilepsy Detection and Classification Techniques: A Survey
Evaluation of Boosting Algorithms for P300 Detection in EEG Signals
Comprehensive Study of Brain–Computer Interface (BCI) with Emphasis on Strategies Used for Processing the Signals
Fetal Electrocardiogram Extraction Using Adaptive Filters Approach
Detection of Heart Functioning Abnormalities (Arrhythmia) Using ECG Signals: A Systematic Review
Heart Rate Variability Analysis in Healthy Male Subjects with Comprehensive Age Groups
Electronic Health Records
Electronic Health Records: Need, Challenges, and Future Scope
Role of EHR in Cancer Detection: Need, Challenges, and Future Scope of EHR
Recent Devlopement in Biomedical Applications
Implantable Pacemaker Low Power Telemetry Unit
Recent Advances in Drug Delivery Systems: MEMS Perspective
Estimating the Blood-Vessel Response to Vaso-Active Agents by Microscope Video Image Processing
Organ Donation and Transplantation Challenges, Opportunities, and the Role of Blockchain