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IC linear voltage regulators have been around for decades. These simple-to-use devices appear in nearly every type of electronic equipment, where they produce a clean, accurate output voltage used by sensitive components. Historically, linear regulators with PNP outputs have been expensive and limited to low current applications. However, Micrel Semiconductor’s unique “Super beta PNP™” line of low dropout regulators provides up to 7.5 amperes of current with dropout voltages less than 0.6V, guaranteed. A lower cost product line outputs the same currents with only 1V of dropout. These low dropout voltages guarantee the microprocessor gets a clean, well regulated supply that quickly reacts to processor-induced load changes as well as input supply variations. The low dropout linear voltage regulator is a easy-to-use, low cost, yet high performance means of powering your systems. Real linear regulators have a number of features, including protection from short circuited loads and overtemperature shutdown. Advanced regulators offer extra features such as overvoltage shutdown, reversed-insertion and reversed polarity protection, and digital error indicators that signal when the output is not correct. Voltage regulators are a fundamental block in the power supplies of most all electronic equipment