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Problem-based learning (PBL) is a popular trend in public education. Generally, PBL is defined as a teaching method that enables students to gain knowledge and skills by working collaboratively to investigate authentic and engaging open-ended questions and/or problems. It also promotes elementary students’ 21stcentury competencies and development for a global world. This chapter introduces an underrepresented area of educational research—PBL in elementary schools and strategies that help students develop. General questions guiding this study are, What is PBL, and what PBL instructional strategies contribute to elementary students’ 21st-century learning? By interviewing teachers who used PBL methods for 2 school years, the research team learned key instructional strategies that promote skills and knowledge when students collaboratively investigate authentic open-ended problems. In this book, peer-to-peer relational learning and other strategies used in PBL classrooms are uncovered and examined. PBL, a dynamic instructional tool for enlivening elementary classrooms, is shown in the literature to cultivate student learning and interests, increase engagement, support skills building, and advance capacities expected of college- and career-ready 21st-century graduates. The information we gathered should support the implementation of PBL in elementary schools
A Review of Literature
Data Analysis and Findings Snapshot
Overarching Outcomes, Implications, and Conclusion
Appendix. PBL Teacher Interview Protocol