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The computing paradigm offered by analog computing is nearly forgotten, although it offers a path to both high-speed and low-power computing, which are in even more demand now than they were back in the heyday of electronic analog computers. Bringing back analog computers in much more advanced forms than their historic ancestors will change the world of computing drastically and forever. They will not replace the ubiquitous stored-program digital computers but they will complement them, thus making it possible to solve problems that are currently out of reach for standalone digital computers. This computing paradigm is about to change the world of computing in the near future with a plethora of interesting and commercially important applications ranging from low power computing as required for medical implants to high performance computing, artificial intelligence, and many, many more. It seems even plausible that analog computers might be able to do things typically ascribed to quantum computers while being much simpler to implement, run, and program.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to analog computing. This second expanded edition contains the recent advancements of the last eight years.
Preface to the 2nd edition.
Mechanical analog computers.
The first electronic analog computers.
Basic computing elements.
The anatomy of a classic analog computer.
Some typical analog computers.
Programming examples.
Hybrid computers.
Digital differential analysers.
Stochastic computing.
Simulation of analog computers.
Future and opportunities