SERIES INFO Genre: Stars: Joel Dommett, Jim Johnson, Oti Mabuse, Davina McCall, Jonathan Ross Series Plot: The Masked Dancer will see celebrity contestants perform unique dances, whilst covered from head to toe in extravagant, colourful costumes and masks, leaving the viewers and star panel to guess their identities.Bringing a wealth of dance expertise to the panel, Oti Mabuse will be taking up a seat alongside Jonathan Ross, Mo Gilligan and Davina McCall as they all watch closely to see who knows their sashays from their pliés. Hosting this most unusual of dance parties will be Joel Dommett. The new format will feature 12 celebrities stepping onto the dancefloor to take on character alter egos as they trip the light fantastic in a bid to wow the panel and confuse with their moves. Clue packages will accompany every Masked Dancer to help the panel and at home detectives crack the case of who the famous faces behind the masks are.
EPISODE INFO Title: Episode 1 Airdate: 2022-09-03 Episode plot: Joel Dommett returns with the contest in which a panel of judges must guess the identities of celebrities dancing in elaborate costumes. In the first edition, Candlestick, Scissors, Astronaut, Odd Socks, Prawn Cocktail and Pillar and Post take to the stage, with newcomer Peter Crouch joining regulars Oti Mabuse, Jonathan Ross, Davina McCall.
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