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When the topic of completion of subjects comes while preparing for competitive exams, then studying one extra subject called as MATHEMATICS is often a tough pill to swallow. This is mainly due to the time constraints as in this competitive environment when everybody is toiling, there is a lot to do in a limited time frame.
As it is rightly said,” Mathematics is not about numbers, equations, computations or algorithms it is about understanding.” Understanding mathematics is not as easy as it is said to simplify this easy to say but difficult to be done task, the MADE EASY team has come up with this Handbook of Mathematics which contains all formulae and theoretical concepts of Engineering Mathematics.
And as we all know” the only way to learn mathematics is to do mathematics’’, so to facilitate all aspirants we have incorporated practice problems for GATE, which will help you to strengthen the concepts and gain confidence. This book will act as a two in one tool for preparation, initially will help in preparing the subject and later will serve as a revision aid with all formulae at one place